Science Talent Quest
The Science Talent Search (STS) is an annual, science based competition open to all primary students in Victoria. The STS is run by Science Victoria with the purpose of promoting science and science education.
STS was founded in 1952, making it one of the longest running programs of its type in the world!
STS has three aims:
To stimulate an ongoing interest in the study of sciences by:
encouraging independent self-motivated project work amongst students of science
giving students the opportunity to communicate their achievements to a wider audience
according recognition of effort and achievement in a scientific enterprise.
To promote the direct involvement of the students in the processes of science and its communication.
To give the public at large an opportunity to see the quality of work being achieved in science.
ICAS [Years 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) is conducted by Educational Assessment Australia, UNSW Global Pty Limited. UNSW Global is a not-for-profit provider of education, training and consulting services and a wholly owned enterprise of the University of New South Wales.
Students from twenty countries now participate in ICAS. In Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific alone there are over 1.3 million entries. Students are given the opportunity to participate in the following areas:
Digital Technologies
Maths Olympiad [Years 3, 4, 5, 6]

The Australian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiad (APSMO) is a competition for students in Years 5 and 6 of primary schools and Years 7 and 8 of secondary schools from around Australia and New Zealand. It is aimed at challenging participants' maths problem solving abilities.
Senior Maths Olympiad [Years 5, 6]
Each year, students participate with weekly training at school prior to the competition. Participants need to attend five sessions over five months to complete a series of difficult maths-based questions using nothing but their brain and their problem solving skills!
ICT Enrichment
We are very proud to offer an Digital Technologies enrichment program here at DGPS. Students participate in the program by analysing aggregate data including assessments in Mathematics, Science and Digital Technologies along with teacher judgements and classroom contributions.
The program increases in difficulty as students progress and covers a number of ICT disciplines. Students explore the relationship between science, technology, engineering and mathematics through problems and increasingly complex task requirements. Each session, they are expected to take part in both instructional and self-directed components which allow them to develop confidence in block programming, 3D design, 3D printing, robotics and, in Years 5 and 6, HTML and JavaScript programming.